Digital Marketing and Corporate Communication

the actors of the
digital marketing
in Geneva

Digital Marketing and Corporate Communication

If you are looking for a partner to manage your organisation’s digital communication, we offer you here an overview of the main agencies and professional service providers in the sector in Geneva and its region, with some indications on their route, basic budget as well as details on contact persons and links to websites

The digital marketing sector is quite young and has multiple areas of expertise which are, in themselves, new specialisations ranging from content management to audience analysis, video, blogging, virtual reality or affiliation to automated mailing services.

We have identified, among the many digital marketing service offers, 70 agencies that we believe are the most active in this field. Our selection ranges from global agencies to highly specialised entities, for example in video production or automated marketing services.

Digital Marketing and Corporate Communication

It should be noted that while the size of agencies provides an indication of the number of their clients and the quality of their services, this is not necessarily a guarantee the best value for money and that medium-sized or even small agencies can provide very effective services for very small businesses or organisations in the cultural and institutional sectors, with fairly affordable budgets.
We have listed our preferences*, without any sponsored links.

As far as we know, there is no ranking of the best providers in digital marketing and we do not think that the star system is the best way to evaluate the satisfaction of their customers. Instead, we invite you to share your experiences with us by leaving a comment.

Send an info, a comment or an opinion on this directory or on one of the agencies listed here

*Our preferences are based on four criteria:

1. The displayed skills of the people in the team
2. A clear and as precise as possible formulation of their services on their website
3. Indications of the minimum budget for website redesign or SEO services
4. A basic budget for a consultancy or audit service, accessible to SMEs

Presentation information

Agencies are displayed, by default, in descending order of the minimum budgets required for their services.

When their basic budget for their services is of the same order, (e.g. 1’000.-) the ranking takes into account the size of their team (up to 3). This is followed by agencies consisting of 1-2 people.

You can modify these parameters by choosing, for example, a sorting by name, either by main trade or by area of specialisation.

Search options by main occupations

GLS Global Services
COM Branding, Corporate
DM Digital Marketing (all services)
WD Web Design (website)
MM Multimedia (Video, Motion, 3D)
MOB Mobile Applications
FED Front-end web application dev.
BED Backend-end web application dev.
DAI Data Analysis and Artificial Intelligence
EXP Specific area of expertise: Virtual Reality, Afiliation, Marketing As A Service

Directory of digital marketing agencies and service providers

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